About Us
Executive Director's Message
We are Bathurst, New Brunswick's community radio station.
Our license from CRTC is for a low watt community radio station. Our call letters are CJUJ, with a dedicated frequency of 103.3 stereo FM. Our antenna location is in Bathurst on top of The "Old Hospital" at 325 Munro street.
Our first 'aircheck' - 24 hour a day launch period, as verified by Industry Canada was in May 2014. We have been "officially" on air since September 1, 2014.​
The radio station has over 50 local producers and announcers that have been part of the station to date. Our content is produced by local members of our community where we play a diverse selection of classic rock, dance, pop, and culturally diverse content. We also have had hundreds of sponsors and advertisers who support the community radio station.
Thank you for visiting our Phantom FM, community radio website.
As the creator and executive director of Bathurst Radio Inc. Phantom FM 103.3 FM I would like to thank all volunteers, sponsors and listeners.
It has always been an ambition to create a new radio station in Bathurst, New Brunswick.
I have lived in Bathurst most of my life and both music, and radio was a big part of my upbringing.
Having been issued a CRTC broadcast license and Industry Canada license to operate a community radio station was both a big challenge and a great honor.
We thank our Board of Directors of Bathurst Radio Inc.
CJUJ 103.3 Phantom FM community radio in Bathurst will continue for many years to come.
Best regards,
Glen Ferguson

Executive Director, Creator
Glen Ferguson

Donations and support
If you like Phantom FM, you can help keep us on the air. We depend on your support.
CJUJ - 103.3 Phantom FM is happy to receive donations of money and goods.
Financial contributions are especially awesome because we have many expenses. Goods are sometimes very welcome, usually if they’re things we can use such as computers, speakers, headphones, microphones, and so on. If you have equipment you would like to donate, please contact us.
As for cash donations: just click on the Donate button above and you’ll find secure PayPal page where you can choose the amount you wish to donate. You can pay via your PayPal account, by credit or debit card via PayPal, or via cheque to c/o Bathurst Radio Inc. 340 St Andrew St, Bathurst , New Brunswick, E2A 1C5
PayPal is completely safe and perhaps the worlds most secure online payment method.

What's the difference between community radio and commercial radio?
In brief:
Community radio in Canada is operated generally by NON PROFIT groups as is the case for Phantom FM (CJUJ) 103.3 - Bathurst Radio Inc.
Phantom FM is primarily based on volunteer participation whom contribute programming and day to day operations for the community station. We have various expenses, and some staffing requirements as well. We also depend on goods and services from sponsors that assist in the radio stations day to day operations. In exchange, the community radio station can offer on air sponsorship.
(We are not registered to issue taxable receipts) - We can, however, offer general receipts of course.
Commercial radio, such as some of our other local radio stations, are owned by PRIVATE entities such as Bell Media. In the case CBC or Radio Canada, it is subsidized by our tax dollars - federal Government of Canada.
Commercial stations have , a "FOR Profit " business infrastructure and the guidelines are generally quite a bit different.
Commercial Radio Stations usually are granted far much larger power wattage which allows for greater coverage in the area. They can generally broadcast more main stream music and use a "TODAYs" Modern day broadcasting approach to obtain far greater advertising revenue. Whereas community radio stations generally are not permitted to air present-day TOP 40 content.
Being smaller and newer station , it's a very hard sell to businesses who have already been committed to the older established stations. All programming, administration and on air talent is local or are originally from the Bathurst region. Thank you to all businesses and volunteers who have supported and continue to support CJUJ 103.3 Phantom FM, Bathurst's Community Radio Station.​
CRTC - Campus and Community Radio Sector funding description for Campus and Community stations:
"The key issue for the C/C sector is funding. Revenue for these stations are based on a mix of limited advertising (although levels vary by station, dependant largely on their locations, linguistic profile and service provided), fundraising drives, grants, donations and, for campus stations, student levies. While varied, for most stations, the funding levels they obtain and the overall revenue earned typically allows these stations to subsist rather than advance.
Private commercial broadcasters representing 60% of radio and audio services, generated $1.5 billion in 2007, a 6% or $87 million increase over the previous year [2]. Meanwhile, the public broadcaster received $1.0 Billion of its $1.6 Billion in revenues from Parliamentary appropriation for the 2007-2008 broadcast year[3]. Commission staff was reminded that the C/C sector neither generates revenues, nor does it receive funding, which approaches the magnitude of the revenue generated by the commercial and public sectors."